Under the Sea Mermaid Party

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My sweet little L's 5th birthday party last summer was full if Pinspiration!  God bless my wonderful husband for allowing me to make this dream come true for her.  A wonderful celebration UNDER THE SEA!!! 

The decorations ... so many Pinterest projects here: the balloon octopus; under the sea kelp; favor buckets; #5 coffee made with coffee filters; the jelly fish lanterns made with streamers sewed by me.  

Balloon Octopus Pinspiration from www.blog.salleyseymore.com

This is a picture I found on the internet (no link to give credit to) ... I LOVED the sea kelp. 

Here is my version of the balloon projects ... my octopus and under the sea kelp.  Placed them all over the yard and even in the pool.  The kids loved them and played with them in the pool. 

A closer look at the balloon decorations ... the mermaid sign was also a Pinterest project. 

The food ... rice krispy sushi rolls (super yummy); Thingamabob Salsa; Sabastian Crab Legs (carrots); Flotsom & Jetsom Seafood Dip; Under the Sea Cucumbers; King Triton Hummus; and Ursula's Sea Fruit

  I did get some Pinspiration for the cake and cupcakes, but we get our celebration cakes at Creative Cakes in Orange, California.  They have amazing cakes ... they look amazing, but taste even more amazing.  Their designers came up with this cake.  LOVED it! 

The entertainment was Ariel from True Enchantment Entertainment (www.trueenchantment.com).  Tracy Hines is the BEST Ariel.  Click on this link to watch her performance.  AMAZING!!

Here is video from Lida's part of Tracy Hines' performance ... she is AMAZING!!! Link: VIDEO of Tracy Hines - True Enchantment Entertainment
